Recently deleted workouts can now be restored in both the Android and iOS apps!
How to Restore a Workout:
1. Open the MapMy app, visit the Menu, and choose Settings.
2. Scroll down and choose the Recently Deleted option.
3. On Android, long press to select each workout you want to restore. On iOS, choose the SELECT button in the top right corner and then tap the workouts you want to restore.
4. Once the workouts have been selected, tap the Restore button at the bottom of the screen.
How long are deleted workouts stored in the app?
Workouts are stored in the Recently Deleted section of the app for 7 days. Workouts that are not manually restored within 7 days of being deleted will be automatically and permanently removed.
I can't find my saved workout and it's not appearing in the Recently Deleted tab. What can I do?
Your workout may have failed to sync after saving. Check the Unsynced Workouts section in your settings and tap to sync any workouts that appear on the list.
How do I permanently delete workouts from the Recently Deleted section?
To permanently delete a workout and remove it from the Recently Deleted section, log out or reinstall the app. Prior to taking either of these actions, please ensure any recently saved workouts have synced. Workouts that appear in the Unsynced Workouts or Recently Deleted sections cannot be recovered after reinstalling or logging out.
If I delete my workout from the website will it appear in my recently deleted section in the app?
Workouts deleted on the website will not appear in the mobile app's recently deleted section. Workouts will only appear in the recently deleted section of the app on the phone that they were deleted from.
Can I restore a discarded workout?
After the hold to finish button is pressed, recorded workouts must either be saved or discarded. Workouts that are discarded during this step cannot be restored. Workouts must have been previously saved and synced with our servers in order to be restored.
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