Our Workout Routines feature allows you to plan before you hit the gym. You can easily build new routines while you work out or log existing routines.
To get started, open the menu and then select "Workout Routines." To create a routine, tap on "Build A Routine."
Building a routine will allow you to name the routine, enter instructions for how it should be completed, and add exercises. Once you've chosen an exercise, you can choose the weight, reps, and duration.
After adding an exercise, you can add more exercises, edit the sets for the exercises you have already chosen, or tap "Save" to complete building that routine. If you need to reorder the exercises, tap the three dots to the right on the "Routine Details" screen. From there, long press on the exercise name, and you can drag that exercise to the correct place in the routine.
When you are finished creating a routine, you'll have the option to log that routine as a workout immediately. Logging the routine will let you edit the weight, reps, duration, and sets for any differences in that day's workout. You can also update the date, activity type, duration, and calorie burn. Saving the workout will automatically populate the notes field with all of the relevant information for that workout routine, so you'll be able to easily keep track of what you did.
Once logged, Workout Routines are displayed in your Activity Feed, as pictured below.
Share Your Workout Routines
We've added the ability to share Workout Routines with your friends and the community!
To share a routine, tap the three dots in the upper right corner of your routine and select "Share" from the menu. Depending on the option you choose, a pop-up may ask you to update your privacy settings. If the setting is not set to "Everyone," not all sharing options will be possible.
To change the privacy setting for any routine, tap on it to enter the "Routine Details" view, then tap on the Privacy icon in the upper right. You can choose to share routines with everyone or just friends or keep them private.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you track workouts with devices like heart rate monitors?
At the moment, we only allow logging workouts through Workout Routines.
Can you use Workout Routines to track circuits and supersets?
Questions? If so, please submit a support ticket here, and an agent will reach out soon.
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