You can change the unit of measurement via both the mobile app and our website. Time zone preferences can only be edited from our website at this time.
To change your unit of measurement preferences in the app, visit the menu by selecting the "..." at the bottom right. From there, select Settings, Unit, and then choose your preferred option.
Time zone preferences cannot be edited from our mobile applications at this time.
Visit the menu by selecting the three horizontal lines at the top left. From the menu, select Settings, tap Units and then choose your preferred option from the drop-down list.
Time zone preferences cannot be edited from our mobile applications at this time.
Web (Time Zone & Units)
To change your unit of measurement or time zone preferences from our website, please visit and log in. Once you've logged in, hover your mouse over your profile photo in the top right corner and choose Profile and Settings. From there, select Display Settings to edit your preferences.
Note: it may take a few minutes for changes made on our website to be reflected in the app. To view your changes immediately, you can log out of the app and then log back in.
Why are my workouts off by one day on the dashboard?
We are aware of an issue that can cause users in some time zones to see workouts attributed to the day before or after they were actually recorded when viewing the dashboard. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may cause.
Why is my Voice Feedback playing at the wrong time, or at 1.6 km instead of every 1 km?
If your audio is playing at the wrong intervals, please try reselecting your Voice Feedback preferences. Once you reselect those preferences, your feedback should begin queuing up based on your current unit of measurement settings moving forward.
Questions? Please submit a support ticket here and one of our agents will be in touch soon!
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